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Privacy and Cookie Policy


Privacy Policy

Cookie Policy


Transparency – Disclosure obligations for public disbursements


January 2023 update

According to Italian law, only the text in Italian is legally valid. 

The information may undergo changes following the introduction of new regulations or following changes to the website, so we invite you to periodically visit this section for updates.

For any clarification, information, exercise of the rights listed in this disclosure, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or – by registered letter with return receipt – with Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. Via de Martini 35, 28838 Stresa (VB)


General information on Privacy.

Definition of personal data and treatment of the same. 

Identification of the owner, manager and person in charge of the treatment.

General information on the processing and purposes for which we process the data.

Your rights.

Information on Cookies.


General information on Privacy

With this information, Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. - via Bonghi 9 - 28838 Stresa (VB) - PIVA: 01428740037, as owner of the processing of personal data, wishes to inform you about the processing of personal data that it will provide when browsing this website.

The REG. EU 2016/679 establishes the rules to protect and safeguard natural persons with regard to the processing of their personal data and this information is prepared in compliance with the new regulatory provision.

The Privacy Policy you are reading is exclusively referable to this website. The company is not responsible for the methods of managing the processing of personal data carried out by third party websites that can be linked through the Cookie section, or through any other referral links on the website.

According to the law, the processing of personal data is based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, protection of the user's privacy as well as the protection of his rights: Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. undertakes to observe the aforementioned principles and, also for this purpose, He immediately informs you that - with the exception of those treatments for which the law requires your explicit consent - by browsing this website, uploading or providing personal data, you accept and agree to be bound by the conditions and terms set out in this disclosure .

The European Reg. 679/2016 provides for enhanced protection against minors under the age of 16, so if you have not yet turned sixteen, your consent to certain treatments will be legitimate only if given or authorized by the person in charge of the parental responsibility towards you.

In any case, we want to give you some information on the concept of personal data processing, on the people who manage them, on the main processing activities we implement, as well as on your rights as a user.

Definition of personal data and treatment of the same.

Personal data means all information that identifies or makes identifiable a certain natural person. This is information that directly allows the identification of the subject (such as name, surname or tax code) or only indirectly (such as profiling cookies, in the case of use of the same on the website). By treatment of personal data, on the other hand, we mean any operation or set of operations, performed with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or set of personal data, such as the collection, registration, organization, the structuring, conservation, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, diffusion or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction.

Identification of the owner, manager and person in charge of the treatment.

The data controller is the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, individually or together with others, determines the purposes and means of processing personal data; it also takes care of security profiles. With regard to this website, the data controller is Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. as better identified above, and for any clarification or exercise of the rights that pertain to you, you can contact him at the addresses already indicated at the top of the information.

The data controller is, on the other hand, the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the data controller. With regard to the personal data provided by you while browsing this website, Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. has not appointed any external manager - nor any person in charge - since your data will be processed only by the Data Controller.

Purposes for which we process your data and other processing information.

4.1 General information on the place of processing, on the transfer of data to non-EU countries and on communications.

This general information applies to all treatments carried out by Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. as regulated in the following points. The place where your data is processed is the workplace of Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. The data collected through navigation will not be disclosed or transferred to international organisations. The hosting we rely on to provide you with the navigation space is located in Italy, therefore - in relation to the same service - no data is transferred to non-EU countries.

For the execution of the requested service or for the fulfillment of legal obligations, some data could be shared with external subjects called to carry out specific tasks or obligations on behalf of Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. (only by way of example: IT consultants, law enforcement agencies , freelancers). In any case, the data controller undertakes to protect the security of all your personal data, adopting the IT and physical measures necessary to protect them. However, it should be noted that no security system guarantees this protection with absolute certainty, therefore, except in cases of liability due to the data controller's fault, Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. is not liable for acts committed by third parties who illegally access the systems without due permissions.

4.2 Processing of data by simply browsing the website.

With the simple navigation, no identification data will be collected. However, for the normal operation of the website it is possible that the computer system acquires some information whose transmission is implicit in the internet communication protocols (e.g. log files). Furthermore, through the use of cookies, information will be collected that the user does not provide directly (Cookie Policy). In any case, this is information that is not collected for the purpose of an association with identified interested parties, but which despite this, given their very nature, could still allow third parties to identify the user, through processing and association with other data already in their possession.

4.3 Processing for information purposes using the form called Contacts.

By clicking on the "Contacts" item on the menu, the user accesses the section with the homonymous form, through which the user provides his personal data (name, surname, telephone, email, message). The release of such data is not mandatory, however failure to complete the form does not allow Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. to respond to requests for information from the user (for example, general information on our business, or for a quote). The legal basis of the processing consists in the release of consent by the user or in the execution of pre-contractual measures. The treatment will be carried out with an IT system and in some cases also on paper and the data will be processed only by the Data Controller. The data will be kept for the time necessary to carry out the information release service: once this term has expired, your data will be immediately cancelled. In any case, the user can withdraw his consent at any time. We immediately warn you that in the event of stipulation of the contract, the Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. will keep your data for a maximum period of 10 years from the termination of the contractual relationship and this for legal, fiscal and accounting protection needs. It is allowed to request information only from the user who has already turned sixteen: the user under the age of sixteen must be previously authorized by the holders of parental responsibility.

4.4 Treatment following the use of the contact details indicated at the bottom of the website.

By contacting the telephone number and e-mail address indicated on the website, the user provides his/her personal data (for example name, surname, telephone number, etc.). The provision of such data is optional, but failure to provide it does not allow the company to respond to requests for information from the user. The legal basis of the processing consists in the execution of pre-contractual measures or in the consent of the user who will expressly declare it by contacting us. These data will be processed with IT/paper systems and the duration of the treatment ends with the completion of the information service by the company.

4.5 Treatments carried out through cookies and profiling.

Save for the regulation on cookies (to which reference is made for further information), this website does not provide for the existence of an automated decision-making process for commercial profiling purposes (targeted marketing technique which includes the set of collection and processing activities of user data in order to understand their choices and their behavior in order to divide the interests into "profiles", or in homogeneous groups for increasingly specific behavior or characteristics), nor any other profiling system for different purposes.

4.6 Processing in general – closing clause.

Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. only processes the data strictly necessary to implement the various purposes of the processing. Except for processing carried out for contractual and legal purposes, no processing of your data will be carried out without your prior consent. In some cases, and only where the processing is carried out for the benefit of the interested party since he has a legitimate expectation in this sense, the legal basis of the processing will reside in the legitimate interest of Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. Your data will not be disclosed to third parties , unless this depends on contractual or legal obligations. Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. undertakes not to transfer data to non-EU countries: in any case, if this should happen, the transfer will be carried out with all the guarantees required by law (adequacy decision, binding company rules, contract, etc. ). The data retention term – unless the interested party revokes or opposes it – will correspond to the service execution term.

Your rights.

The interested party - i.e. the one who makes his personal data available to the data controller - is the holder of the following rights:

  • the right of the interested party to ask the owner for access to personal data, i.e. to know which data the owner processes;
  • the right to obtain their update;
  • the right to obtain rectification, i.e. the right to have one's data modified if they have changed;
  • the right to have one's data integrated, i.e. the right to integrate the data with other information provided by the data subject;
  • the right to limit the processing that concerns him, i.e. to limit the use of the data by the data controller;
  • the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment;
  • the right to data portability, i.e. the right to receive all personal data processed by the owner in a structured and readable format on computer support;
  • the right to request the cancellation of one's data from the owner;
  • transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
  • the right to obtain certification that the updating, rectification, data integration, cancellation, data blocking, transformation operations have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data are been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfilment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right;
  • the right to revoke the explicit consent previously given at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out up to that moment;
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the protection of personal data in the event of violations of the law.

For a more in-depth examination of your rights, see articles 15 – 16 – 17 – 18 – 20 – 21 of EU Reg. 679/2016. Requests can be sent to the data controller, without formalities, to the addresses in the epigraph, or alternatively, using the form provided by the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data available on the website: ;

Information on Cookies.

With regard to information regarding the use of cookies on this website, see the information on cookies


January 2023 update

The information may undergo changes following the introduction of new regulations or following changes to the website, so we invite you to periodically visit this section for updates.

For any clarification, information, exercise of the rights listed in this disclosure, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or – by registered letter with return receipt – with Sapori d'Italia s.r.l., Via de Martini 35, 28838 Stresa (VB)



General information about Cookies.

How to select or disable Cookies.

Cookies used on this website and how to manage third-party cookies.


General information on Cookies.

The Privacy Policy is an integral part of the following Cookie Policy, including the rights that the user can assert by contacting the addresses already indicated.

Pursuant to EU Reg. 679/2016, as well as on the basis of the provisions of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data with resolution of 05.08.2014 for the identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent to use of cookies – published in the Official Gazette no. 126 of 06.03.2014 - and in compliance with all subsequent clarifications, with this information the data controller provides its own Cookie Policy. The Cookie Policy is intended to provide the user with all the information relating to the art. 13 of the REG. EU 679/2016, as well as to describe in a specific and analytical way the characteristics and purposes of the cookies installed on the website, with the possibility for the user to select / deselect individual cookies. The processing of data through the use of cookies takes place with automated tools and the data retention period depends on the nature of the cookie used.

What are Cookies.

Cookies are small code strings that the sites visited by the user send to his terminal (usually to the browser: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.), where they are stored before being re-transmitted at each occurrence or subsequent accessed by the same user.

Why are they useful.

Through the use of cookies, the website visited recognizes the user's device and this leads to an improvement in the browsing experience. Among the various purposes of cookies, one is to allow the user to navigate effectively between the pages of the website, remind him of his favorite sites, memorize the language, etc.; cookies also help to ensure that the advertising content displayed online is more targeted, in relation to the specific interests of the user.

The classification of Cookies.

Cookies are classified into different types: in relation to their duration, the cookie can be session, i.e. automatically deleted when the browser is closed, or persistent, i.e. active until its expiry date or until it is canceled by the user; in relation to the origin, the cookie can be first-party, i.e. sent to the browser directly from the site you are visiting, or third-party, i.e. sent to the browser from other sites and not from the site you are visiting.

In relation to the purposes, the cookie can be technical or profiling. This classification, for clarity and importance, deserves a more in-depth analysis.

The technical cookie allows you to improve the user's browsing experience. In fact, without the use of technical cookies some operations would be very complex or impossible to perform. These cookies - which could be first or third party, session or permanent - do not require the user's prior consent for their installation.

Technical cookies are "strictly necessary" when they allow you to navigate the website effectively and to exploit its essential characteristics, such as for example that of allowing computer authentication to be performed or the memorization of previous actions. By blocking the use of these cookies, the user's browsing experience could be compromised.

Technical cookies, on the other hand, are "functional" when they allow you to improve the browsing experience by memorizing the preferences expressed by the user, such as language, name, location. By blocking these cookies, the browsing experience will not be compromised, however the user will not be able to take advantage of these useful services.

Technical cookies are "analytical" when they allow the collection of information on how users interact with the site, analyzing the number of pages visited, the time spent on the website, the most visited pages and any other event that emerged during navigation, such as any errors coming from the visited page. These cookies allow the website owner to obtain statistical data relating to navigation and improve the services offered to the user. Analytical cookies have a technical nature - not instead of profiling - only when the site owner has adopted suitable tools to reduce the identifying power of the analytical cookies used, by masking significant portions of the IP address.

For the installation of technical cookies it is not necessary to collect the prior consent from the user, therefore - if the website uses only technical cookies - the data controller is not required to collect consent through the cookie banner. The extended information (the one that the user is reading right now) is instead mandatory.

Profiling cookies, on the other hand, are activated only following the release of the user's consent. Consent is released by clicking "OK" (or "continue", etc.) on the banner on the homepage or on another page of the same site. Profiling cookies are used to improve the services offered as well as to select and send advertising based on the preferences and tastes expressed by the user while browsing. The use of profiling cookies to send targeted advertising does not imply the display of more advertisements nor will the browsing experience be hindered. In fact, with the deactivation of profiling cookies the user will see - instead of advertising in line with his interests - only generic advertising.

Third-party statistical-analytical cookies without IP masking and without data crossing are profiling cookies. Finally, advertising, tracking or conversion cookies are used for profiling.

How to select or disable cookies.

Except for the user's prior consent in the case of installation of profiling cookies, most browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. By changing the settings of your browser, cookies can be limited or blocked. To manage cookies, refer to the instruction manual or to the indications provided by your browser by following the paths below (related to the most common browsers):





If the user uses multiple browsers, the procedure for deleting cookies must be carried out for each of them. If the user uses different devices (such as smartphones or tablets), to uninstall cookies, refer to the instruction manual of your device. It should be noted that if you choose to block the reception of cookies this could compromise or prevent the proper functioning of the website as some cookies are strictly necessary for navigation.

Cookies used on this website and how to manage third-party cookies.

This website uses "strictly necessary" and "functionality" first-party technical cookies to improve the user's browsing experience (for example, through the speed acceleration service or for storing previous actions). To disable these cookies, see point 2) of this information.

This website also uses third-party cookies, which however are not controlled directly by the site owner and consequently, to deactivate them and for more information, the user must observe the procedures indicated below.:

1) by clicking the user can obtain more information on the concept of behavioral advertising as well as obtain information on third-party cookies, promotional and targeting cookies possibly stored on their terminal. The user can proceed with the deactivation of all or only some of these cookies by clicking on the following link:


2) the third-party cookies used on this website will be listed below. For the management and deactivation of these cookies it is necessary to access the information and consent forms of these third parties, by clicking on the links indicated below.

Matomo Analytics cookies

The website uses "Matomo Analytics" for the installation of analytical technical cookies which allow the website owner to obtain statistical data relating to navigation and therefore allow for the improvement of the services offered to the user. The website owner has adopted suitable tools to reduce the identifying power of the analytical cookies used, by masking significant portions of the IP address.

pk_id# Collect statistics on access to the website 1 year
pk_ses# Track the visitor's page requests during the session 1 day

The site contains YouTube videos that could release profiling cookies. To manage or deactivate these cookies, the user clicks on the following address:

List of YouTube cookies (with domain: installed on this website:

GPS (duration of the cookie: half )

PREF (duration of the cookie: about 8 months)

VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE (duration of the cookie: about 6 months)

YSC (duration of the cookie: session)

remote_sid (duration of the cookie: session)

Blocking these profiling cookies will not compromise the browsing experience, but the user will not be able to view the interesting videos made available by the website owner.

This website may also use profiling cookies to send advertising in line with the interests and tastes expressed by the user while browsing. For more information or to disable the aforementioned cookies, the user clicks on the following address:

For more information, also relating to disabling third-party cookies sent to the user's browser while browsing this website, see:

In any case, if you would like to find out more about cookies, please contact the addresses already indicated in the epigraph.



Anyone who visits this website (hereinafter referred to as the 'Website') accepts the rules, terms and conditions set out here (hereinafter referred to as the 'Rules') and those indicated on the other pages of the Website. If these conditions are not accepted by You, please leave the Website. Anyone who accesses the other pages of the Website will demonstrate, in fact, acceptance of the Rules. Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. is free to modify the Rules at any time and in any way.


The purpose of the Website is only the illustration, dissemination, advertising, marketing and information relating to the products and services of Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. (hereinafter the 'Information'). None of the Information reported on the Website can be considered, unless specifically stated, a promise to the public or in any case be considered binding for any negotiation or business or commercial relationship. Any information reported on the website is to be considered purely indicative and in no way binds Sapori d'Italia s.r.l., the website managers, or other third parties who are referred to from the website via links.

Unless otherwise specifically indicated, each brand, logo, image, drawing, sound, music, film, software or other present on the Website (hereinafter the 'Objects') is covered by the relative rights that protect their property such as, by way of example and not exhaustively, trademark right, patent right, copyright, etc. These rights are all legitimately held by Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. in concession from the legitimate owners. It is therefore prohibited, except for strictly personal purposes, any use (copy, even partial copy, hard copy) of the Objects. Use for strictly personal purposes means filing on your personal computer or printing the Objects for the purpose of storing documentation for personal use. Therefore, the distribution and transmission - meaning also the making available on other sites - of the Objects to third parties, their modification, republication, reuse through the insertion into other documents or files, as well as any kind of reworking. Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. is in no way responsible nor can it be called to answer for the violations of the rights that the owners of the Objects given in concession to Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. may contest the users of the Website who, in some way, have violated these rights. The responsibility for said violations lies and remains with the user of the Website who committed them.


Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. is in no way responsible for damages resulting from access to the Website and the use or download of the Objects contained therein, whether said damages resulting from defects, errors or other or whether they are consequent to the inability to use of the material included on the Website.


Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. is in no way responsible for the content of websites linked to the Website.



Since the Information is purely indicative, any guarantee as to its accuracy and completeness is excluded. Likewise, it is excluded that any Information contained in the Website can in any way bind, for any reason, Sapori d'Italia s.r.l.or the other subjects indicated or referred to by links from the Website. In particular, it is excluded that the Information contained in the Website is valid in ll countries from which the Website can be contacted. Any user who wishes timely and detailed Information should contact Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. It is also possible that the Information contained on the Website may be arbitrarily modified by Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. at any time and for any reason without what is stated, both before and after the changes, committing Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. in any way.


Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. applies, both in law and in spirit, the protection of privacy. This protection is aimed at all those who have a relationship with Sapori d'Italia s.r.l., whether they are employees, suppliers, customers, potential customers or simple visitors to its Website.


If a visitor to the Website intends to voluntarily release the data defined as personal by the so-called Privacy Code (Legislative Degree No. 196/2003), this can only happen by following the rules and procedures indicated by the Website and moreover compliant with the aforementioned Law. The release of personal data is a free choice of each visitor of the Website. There is no registration of personal data on the Website without specific notification to the visitor of the possibility to regitster their personal data. In order to avoid errors or misunderstandings, any recording of personal data, howeever, can only occur following a further and final confirmation from the visitor.


Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. uses cookie technology to carry out statistical surveys on its site. A cookie is a small piece of information sent by the website contacted and saved on the hard disk by the browser of your computer. The site traces the path of the cookie (so-called 'click stream' activity, i.e. recording the paths followed by visitors to a site when passing from one page to another) without being able to know or identify the user who has entered the site, in order to collect statistical data on the site such as, for example, the pages visited, the pages downloaded, etc. We reiterate that none of this information is associated with you individually. Cookies do not capture your personal e-mail address or any of your private information. The information obtained from cookie tracking is only evaluated as a whole. Sapori d'Italia s.r.l. also uses the web server log files to count visitors and evaluate the technical capabilities of our website. We use all this information to know how many people visit the website, to organize the pages in the most accessible way possible, to facilitate navigation on the website and to make its pages more useful for users. We collect information about website traffic, but not about individual visitors. Consequently, no information relating to you in particular may be stored or used.


If, for whatever reason, you wish to send e-mails to the Website or if the Website itself offers you subscription to the mailing list to receive information of interest to your computer, we reiterate that, if one of these options requires the registration of your personal data, the registration of your personal data will always take place in compliance with the law on privacy. Therefore each registration will take place only after your explicit and repeated consent.


As already indicated in the warnings, access to the Website implies full acceptance of the rules set out on the Website itself. That said, the user who accesses the Website accepts that the applicable legislation to resolve any problem deriving from access to the Website, or for the Information or Objects present on the Website, is Italian law. Likewise, the user accepts that the exclusively competent court for the above problems is the Court of Verbania.

Transparency: disclosure obligations for public disbursements

State aid and de minimis aid received by our company are contained in the National State Aid Register pursuant to art. 52 of Law 234/201" and which can be consulted at the following link, inserting as a search key in the field VAT 02319540031